In this post we are going to explain step by step how to use the Rest client visual studio code extension with Laravel. What is REST client Rest client is a Visual Studio code extension that enable the user to trigger HTTP request directly from your IDE. The extension can be found in the Visual…
How to debug Jasmine-es6 in visual studio code
This article is going to show the configuration required to debug Jasmine-ES6 in Visual studio code. Jasmine-ES6 is a Helpers and overrides that augment Jasmine for use in an ES6+ environment. It is great when you have a project that you do not want to transpile using babel. And it turned out to be one of the NPM…
Write cleaner Javascript code with Eslint
Javascript has a bad reputation, and this is mainly due to the fact that it is too flexible to use. Many users would abuse this great feature of this language writing code that is very inconsistent and hard to follow. For example, simple inconsistency like single or double quote around strings, can make project seem…
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