If you have been searching the web for some information about AXIOS error messages, and would like to understand how to use them, then you have come to the right place. TLTR; Find the code snippets in the following section If you search the web on this topic, all you can find is: catching error…
5 Must follow rules for a cleaner JavaScript Code
JavaScript Frameworks such as VueJs, React and Angular, have considerably helped Junior developers in getting up to speed within the Front End industry. Unfortunately, this “easy of learn” has also resulted into a multitude of “bad practices” and “lack of development principles”, as covered in my blog post “Which JavaScript framework should I learn first“…
Getting started with Github GraphQL API
This article is going to give you the basic knowledge necessary to start and develop your very own GraphQL API. This post is part of a series that will cover the full development lifecycle that lead to the creation of an example Github graphQL web app that can be found at the following link http://github-api-example.zelig880.com…
How to debug Jasmine-es6 in visual studio code
This article is going to show the configuration required to debug Jasmine-ES6 in Visual studio code. Jasmine-ES6 is a Helpers and overrides that augment Jasmine for use in an ES6+ environment. It is great when you have a project that you do not want to transpile using babel. And it turned out to be one of the NPM…
Conference presentations – behind the scene
A few months ago, I was delighted to be part of the amazing DDDnorth conference that took place in Bradford. This time, I was actually facing the attendees as I was taking the role of speaker for the first time. It was a truly amazing experience, and I want to share my afterthought with you…
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