Category: Coding

Introducing v-memo a new directive to improve your Vue 3 app performance

Vue 3 has provided us with several significant performance improvements out of the box but has also introduced some extra manual features that can help up improve our app performance. In this article, we are going to discuss a new directive called v-memo. This directive has been introduced in Vue 3.2 and to the best…

How to use Watch in Vue 3 in Composition API

In this article, we are going to cover in detail what watchers are and how they can be used in Vue js 3 using the Composition API and Script Setup. I usually like to cover both APIs in the same post, but in this case, there are a few too many differences that would make…

How to use Watch in Vue 3 in Option API

In this article, we are going to cover in detail what watchers are and how they can be used in Vue js 3 using the Options API. I usually like to cover both Option API and composition API in the same post, but in this case, there are a few too many differences that would…

How to use $refs in Vue 3 with Composition API and Script Setup

This post is going to explain how to use Ref in Vue 3, while using the Composition API and the Script Setup. The usage of references when using the options API is unchanged, but Vue 3 provided us with two different ways to define the component script block, Composition API and Script Setup. In the…

How to use Slots and Attrs with the Composition API

In this article, we are going to describe how to successfully access slots and attributes while using the Composition API and Script setup syntax. The use of these features while writing components using the Options API was quite simple, as all context was available within the “this” scope, but since the introduction of the composition…