Category: Tutorial

Javascript Class: ECMAScript standards

 Javascript class Using javascript class will really improve your code readability, structure and making it shareable with others. ( see my other post: Coding standards: Meaningful Names in Javascript). For many back end developers, this post would have probably been written over 10 years ago, as classes have always been present in many programming language (…

The power of mentoring

Intro What a better way than start this post with this amazing quote from P. Collins. Teaching and mentoring is not sorely aimed at sharing your knowledge for others to learn, but it is the process in which you personally develop. [quote name=”Phil Collins”]“In learning you will teach, and in teaching you will learn.” [/quote]…

Transactional email made easy – Postmark

Every developer in their career has been asked to build a transactional email at least once. It usually starts with a simple request like: Please could you send a simple email when a contact form is submitted, something very simple, nothing special. A few minutes search on Google or Stackoverflow and “snap”, we find perfectly…